TRIPOLI Johnny Townsend Raiders Jersey , Jan. 10 (Xinhua) -- UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman said on Wednesday that holding elections is the only way to bring stability in chaotic Libya.

Feltman made his remarks at a press conference following a meeting with Libyan UN-backed Prime Minister Fayez Serraj in the capital Tripoli, where the two officials discussed the latest political developments in the country and agreed on the importance of issuing elections law and constitution referendum law.

"The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is committed to supporting the Libya people as they work toward a referendum on the constitution, holding elections and local and national reconciliation," Feltman said.

"We always encourage the election option. There are strong indications expressed by Libyan parties and leaders to hold elections, as the only way to comprehensive stability," he said.

"The second point is about the great interaction in the voter registration process, which demonstrates commitment of a large segment of Libyans to the elections next year," Feltman added.

"The United Nations supports the road map in Libya and will provide unlimited technical support for the democratic process next year," the UN official noted.

Libya has been suffering political division and unrest since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi's regime in 2011. The North African country has been struggling to make a democratic transition amid escalating violence and chaos.

Last September, Ghassan Salame, the head of the UN Support Mission in Libya, proposed an action plan to end Libya's political crisis, which includes amendment of the UN-sponsored political agreement and holding presidential and parliamentary elections.

The Libya Higher Commission of Elections recently announced that nearly 2 million voters have registered in the Commission's election register.

RIGA, July 25 (Xinhua) -- The Latvian government on Tuesdayapproved a reform plan for the Baltic country's healthcaresystem.

The plan, which has been outlined in the Health Ministry'sreport, calls for sweeping transformation in the Latvian healthsector and higher pay for medics.

The ministers greenlighted the reform plan amid an ongoingstrike of general practitioners, or family physicians as they arecalled in Latvia, who are demanding higher government funding perpatient.

The reform plan proposed by the Health Ministry includesmeasures like raising Latvia's health budget to 4 percent of grossdomestic product (GDP) by 2020, which among other things wouldallow increasing medical specialists' pay, reorganizing healthcareinstitutions and defining local authorities' role in ensuringhealthcare services.

The reform plan also calls for a more compact and efficienthospital network, smaller family physicians' practices andinnovative medications to cancer patients.

According to the reform plan, provision of highly complexmedical services would be concentrated in Latvia's largest medicalcenters, while the network of healthcare institutions would bedesigned to ensure that those patients who do not need inpatienttreatment can receive services as close to their home as possible,the Health Ministry said.

By Sept. 15, the Health Ministry will work out a detailed planfor the development of the primary care system, and localauthorities' role in ensuring healthcare services will be debateduntil March 1, 2018.

The Health Ministry is also determined to go ahead with thelaunch of the much-criticized e-health system, which is intended tohelp patients follow and control their health data and quicklyprovide necessary information on patients to physicians and othermedical staff. Enditem

SEOUL, July 13 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's central bank on Thursday raised its 2017 growth forecast for the economy to reflect the altered economic situations at home and abroad.

Bank of Korea (BOK) Governor Lee Ju-yeol announced the upward revision following a rate-setting meeting where Lee and other monetary policy board members decided unanimously to freeze the benchmark rate at an all-time low of 1.25 percent. The rate was lowered to the current level in June last year.

The BOK's growth outlook for this year was revised up to 2.8 percent from 2.6 percent unveiled three months earlier. In April, the bank's forecast was revised up by 0.1 percentage point.

The BOK's upgraded outlook was higher than the figures disclosed by local economic think tanks that ranged from 2.5 percent to 2.6 percent. The government's outlook was 2.6 percent.

The upward revision reflected recovering exports, which posted a double-digit increase for six months through June. Exports account for about half of the Asia's No.4 economy.

Governor Lee told reporters that the exports grew at a steep pace despite the lackluster consumption expansion, predicting a solid growth trend in the future amid lingering uncertainties of the country's major trading partners as well as geopolitical risks.

Earlier this month, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) test-fired what it claimed an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that flew about 930 km and was lofted as high as 2,800 km.

It rattled the South Korean stock market following the DPRK announcement of the successful ICBM test-launch, but local shares rebounded, posting a new record closing high in recent sessions.

The top central banker said the upgraded growth outlook did not reflect the government's supplementary budget plan to create decent jobs, which had been blocked by conservative opposition parties from being passed through the National Assembly.

If implemented, the government expected the budget plan to raise the country's gross domestic product (GDP) by 0.2 percentage points this year.

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