by Han Liang puma suede heart satin australia , Igor Serebryany

MOSCOW, Dec. 17 (Xinhua) -- Stretching across the landmass Eurasia, maneuvering between the East and the West, this year Russia has been on the way to regain its pride and global clout with President Vladimir Putin at the helm.

From crafting a deal with the United States to destroy Syrian chemical weapons to mediating between Iran and world powers to reach a nuclear agreement, from embracing "younger brothers" in its own backyard to associating partners in the new world, this year puma basket heart patent australia , Russia has been at the center of the world's political arena.


As a black belt judoka, Putin made a set of deft diplomatic moves in the Syrian playground.

Moscow persuaded Damascus not only to admit the presence of chemical stockpiles, but also to agree to put them under international control. It helped avert a military strike against Syria which could have been inevitable otherwise.

Now the solution to the Syria conflict is firmly back on a political track and under the auspices of the United Nations.

This time, Putin managed to write down rules that played to his advantage. He did not throw anyone to the mat with his moves, yet he proved again that, in the volatile Middle East puma basket heart australia , Russia is a leading character and not a minor role that can be ignored.

Moscow was in accord with Washington to some extent when dealing with the Syria crisis and this political "consonance" helped them work in sync on the Iranian issue.

The Russian position has been gradually prevailing in the latest round of Iranian nuclear talks, said Anatoli Adamishin, a retired Russian diplomat and president of the Association for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation.

Although the outcome of the interim Geneva agreement is unclear at the moment, Russia kindled the light at the end of the tunnel. "Russia's politics on Iran starts to be recognized even by the United States," Adamishin said.

In a New York Times op-ed, Putin lectured politicians in Washington fenty puma slippers australia , slapping the American unilateralism and exceptionalism and underlining the necessity of building a multipolar world.

Putin made his message clear: Russia has no intention of challenging the United States on Syria and other major issues on the global chessboard, but demands a dialogue on the basis of equality and a readjusted world order.


Another diplomatic front Moscow has been heavily engaged in is tackling Ukraine's integration into the European Union (EU), a process which at one time seemed to be irreversible.

From Russia's viewpoint, to pull Kiev back into its orbit could be called a diplomatic gain in this round of tug-of-war.

From a historical perspective, the relationship between Moscow and Kiev is more like two brothers in one family. Kievan Rus was recognized as the cradle of modern Russia, and Russia ruled a large part of today's Ukraine for 200 years.

Russia was cautious about the enlargement ambition of the 28-member bloc puma creepers velvet australia , which is competing with Moscow for the future of its eastern neighbors.

Putin has been eagerly advocating a Eurasian union to counter the EU, starting from the Moscow-led Customs Union, which includes Belarus and Kazakhstan, with Armenia high on the waiting list.

European partners harshly criticized Putin's anti-Western course. Putin never denies his opposition to the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as the "advance of a foreign military bloc to Russia's border posed a threat to the country." On the EU enlargement however, he adopted a milder tone.

Meanwhile puma creepers blue australia , Russia has been attempting to restore its clout over the former Soviet states, sometimes using carrot-and-stick methods. After Kiev made its U-turn, Moscow was stimulated to integrate it into the Russia-dominated entity.

"Putin wants to use the momentum for confirming Russia as the 'natural' center of gravitation on the Eurasian space, to demonstrate that the ex-Soviet republics have no alternative but to gather under Moscow's umbrella," Arkady Dubnov, an expert in the Commonwealth of Independent States affairs puma creepers green australia , told Xinhua.

In the next two years, Russia will focus on stabilizing and securing the smooth development of Eurasian integration, as it is a pivot for Russia's geopolitical realignment in the long haul.


Despite the on-spot cooperation on the Syria and Iran issues, contradictions between Russia and the West have become more pronounced in general. This is natural under the circumstances as Russia tries to distance itself from the West and find counterbalance in the East.

Experts expect the potential of the Asia-Pacific region in the future to have a stronger impact on Russian foreign policy than it does now, as the United States has been trenching its way to the East with a rebalancing strategy.

As the world's largest oil and gas producer, Moscow vowed to diversify its heavy dependence on the European markets. It has been narrowing the Euro-Atlantic window and widening the Asia-Pacific one.

There has not been
a "breakthrough" in 2013 in Putin's eastward policy puma creepers purple australia , but the ongoing moves are stable and on track, experts said, citing the strategic partnership of coordination with China, the tactical success in Russia-Japan ties with two sides holding their first "two-plus-two" meeting, as well as close military-technological cooperation with India and Vietnam.

Timofei Bardachyov, director of the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies at the State University-Higher School of Economics puma creepers grey australia , said Putin continued the traditions of Russian diplomacy to balance between West and East, serving as a bridge connecting Europe and Asia.

No one denies that Russia is a power of great potential. Despite a declining population and the structural weakness of economy eroding its strength, it is still an energy giant with vast landmas

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