Toothaches is one of the most common problem that can occurs to anyone without any warning. It can be an indication of tooth decay or infection. Toothaches can make your life miserable Zdeno Chara Womens Jersey , so you should always have some knowledge regarding some home remedies for toothache pain relief. Here are some home remedies that can be used to relieve toothache:

1. Garlic Make a paste of garlic and add some rock salt to it. Make a homogeneous mixture to apply on the affected area. It will relieve the pain and, sometimes, may even cure the pain.

2. Onion is very useful home remedy for toothache problems. Chew a small onion for 4-5 minutes daily. This will clear off all the germs hidden between teeth and keep the gums fresh. Place a small piece of onion on the decayed tooth or gum often relieves toothache.

3. Using Icepack: Ice offers excellent numbing properties. Hold the ice around affected area and try to compress it there. Most often, the pain gets reduced as it is excellent in suppressing pain at nerve endings.

4.Salt water gargle. Mix 1 tablespoon of common salt with 1 cup of warm water. Take a mouthful of this water and move it around the aching tooth. Salt is an excellent astringent. so salt water disinfects the tooth. You can do gargle with this water to act as a salt water sore throat remedy. It is a good idea to do salt-water gargle in the morning and evening to prevent sore tooth and throat.

5. Cloves. Chew a clove slowly with the aching tooth to release its juice and leave there for half an hour. Repeat 2-3 times. You can also use the clove oil. Dip a cotton ball in clove oil and press them against the aching tooth. The pain will be reduced.

6. Lime. Placing a slice of the citrus on the affected tooth or gum area can bring a considerable amount of relief to the affected area. This rich source of vitamin C prevents tooth decay, makes teeth secure, lessens bleeding of the gums, and also provides toothache pain relief.

7. Bay berry: Prepare a paste from bay berry bark mixed with vinegar. Applying this paste on on the affected tooth or gum area will alleviate the pain and strengthen the gums.

8. Asafoetida. Mix half a teaspoon of asafetida with a bit of lime juice so as to form a paste. Make this paste Luke warm and apply the mixture with help of cotton ball. It helps in increasing the strength of the teeth and enables them to bear the pain.

9. peppermint. Boil 5 gram of peppermint and a pinch of salt in 1 cup of water. Make the water lukewarm and drink it. It will relieve toothache and other pains.

10. Oil of Oregano. Pour a few drops oil of oregano on the paining tooth or gum area will provide some relief from tooth pain.

11. Vanilla Get a cotton ball and put some real vanilla extract on it. Apply it on the inflamed location and you will be amazed to find out that it numbs!. This is one of the useful home remedies for toothache.

12. Pepper: Mix A pinch of pepper powder with ? tsp of common salt so as to form a paste. Apply this paste over the cavity or paining tooth. It will prevents decay, loosening of the teeth, foul breath, dental cavities, toothache and bleeding of the gums

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Article Source:

MADRID, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- Summer in Spain this year recorded hotter than average temperatures with levels of rainfall well below average, the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) informed on Wednesday.

In its quarterly report, AEMET described the summer as "very hot" with an average temperature of 24.2 degrees centigrade -- 1.2 degrees centigrade above the norm -- while the level of rainfall was 40 percent lower than that of an average Spanish summer.

Temperatures in June were 0.7 percent above average and July and August temperatures were 1.5 and 1.3 degrees higher than usual respectively.

The start of September saw a period of abnormally high weather with record highs of 36 degrees centigrade measured at AEMET's observatories, and Cordoba reaching a high of over 45 degrees. Several other places (including Seville and Murcia) experienced temperatures of 44 degrees.

June, July and August saw very little rainfall with an average of just 36 mm throughout the country, with rainfall in June and July described as "below average" and August reported to be "the driest month of all."

AEMET said the high temperatures in Spain come in the context of the "exceptional global anomaly," which has seen the planet experience record high temperatures for the last consecutive 13 months.

The hot summer could also be followed by a warmer-than-average autumn as AEMET predicts "there is a greater possibility that temperatures will reach levels which are above the reference period of 1981 to 2001 in the entire country."

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