The key to success in golf lies as much in good information as it does in physical talent. While physical abilities may wax and wane throughout a lifetime (as well as available time for practice) Patrick Kane Jersey , a well-informed golfer will always have a leg-up on his or her competition. Consult the advice in this article for tips on golfing success.

Slicing is a common mistake which you can avoid through lots of practice. The problem is that the club-face contacts the ball from the wrong angle and as a result, curves to the right (for right-handed golfers). Make sure your knees, hips, and shoulders are parallel to the target line. Use your arms and hands on the downswing instead of your shoulders and body.

Backswing & Swing Speed
In golf, don’t switch between a back and forward swing too quickly! A common error among beginners is to swing too quickly, causing an uncontrolled and less powerful swing. Instead, maintain a steady rhythm in the swing, pausing for a beat at the top before swinging back down. This provides more power and better accuracy.

Golf Shoes
Go golf shoe shopping at the end of the day when your feet have had a chance to expand. In this way, you can be sure your golf shoes will still be comfortable as the day progresses and your feet get a little bigger! You can always start the day with two pairs of socks and remove one pair if you need to; however, you can’t do much about it if you start the day with perfectly fitting shoes, and they become too tight as time passes!

Golf Clubs
When it comes to golf clubs, the longest clubs in your golf bag are used for longer-range shots, while the shortest clubs are used for shorter shots (less than 150 yards from the green). This is easy to remember when you go to select the club you wish to use for your next shot.

Course Management
On any golf course you play repeatedly, there are likely holes you deal with better than others. Resist the temptation to take it easy on holes you are comfortable with; instead use them as opportunities to save strokes and build yourself a cushion you can use on the tougher holes you are less certain about.

Keep the Game Moving
When playing a round of golf, remember to keep the game moving. Slow play and delays are aggravating to the groups which are following you. If your group happens to be slower due to the fact that you have an inexperienced player in the group, you should invite the faster group to “play through”.
To help speed up play on the greens, consider tapping in close putts instead of marking them for later. If the putt does not need much attention to break or speed, there is no reason to add the extra delay of marking and replacing the ball, and experienced golfers have no problem with this time-saving approach.

By adding these strategies to your game, you can work on reducing your handicap and ironing out flaws in your swing. Whether you are a serious golfer, a weekend enthusiast, or a beginner looking to pick up a social, stimulating outdoor game, these tips can give you the mental outlook and boost you to be a great golfer.

The author has written a number of articles on golf technique and is an occasional contributor to sports and PE websites. For example click here Six Tips for Better Golfing

KHARTOUM, March 27 (Xinhua) -- Sudan is seeking investment opportunities in mining sector in a bid to revive the economy which lost two thirds of its oil revenues following separation of South Sudan in 2011.

The Sudan International Mining Business Forum and Exhibition kicked off sessions on Monday in Khartoum with the participation of 29 foreign companies from all over the world and 36 local ones.

"The forum tends to inform with and promote for Sudan's mineral potentialities in addition to utilization of modern technologies in operations of minerals' research, exploration and extraction as well as advanced progress achieved in the developed countries in this field," Ahmed Mohammed Sadiq Al Karuri, Sudan's Minerals Minister, said when addressing the forum's opening session.

"We reiterate that we attach a great concern for this forum to exhibit Sudan's huge minerals potentialities and the available investment opportunities in this important sector, which has assumed an advanced position in the gross domestic product," he noted.

The minister further reiterated Sudan's concern with reactivating the mining sector in the wake of the huge mineral resources in all states of Sudan besides huge mineral reserves based on outcome of the exploration researches made by Sudan's geological research authority.

In its bid to attract foreign investors to the mining sector, Sudan has made strong commitments to improve the investment climate and make amendments on the national investment law.

To this end, Sudan's First Vice-President and Prime Minister Bakri Hassan Saleh, addressing the forum, reviewed many guidelines for the work in the mining field.

"The principle of better exploitation of resources must be the goal behind all the efforts to consolidate the concept of operation of the mining economies. Better exploitation of resources should be built on efficiency of the national capabilities which require complete awareness of training, supervision and assessment," said Saleh.

He reiterated the importance of utilizing the international developments to attract expertise and employ the modern technologies in the mining field, pointing to the importance of observing the mining safety to safeguard the environment.

Around 461 companies are operating in the mining field in Sudan, where the mining sector constitutes 40 percent of Sudan's exports.

Sudan's gold production jumped to 93.4 tons in 2016, making Sudan ranks second after South Africa in gold production in Africa, according to Sudan's minerals ministry.

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