KATHMANDU Authentic Ryan Miller Jersey , Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- Monsoon-induced floods have created havoc across the low-lying areas known as Terai region in Nepal since Friday night.

Floods triggered by incessant rainfall have inundated thousands of houses in numerous districts, leaving the people displaced. It has been reported that many families have shifted their shelters while huge properties, livestock and cattle and crops have been damaged.

The water level in many rivers have crossed the danger mark and changed their course, with a threat to houses and livelihood. Situation has remained tensed along the basins of major rivers like Saptakoshi, Kankai, Babai, Rapti and Mohana among others.

According to local media reports, floods have created high damages in the districts like Banke, Bardiya, Dhanusa, Saptari, Siraha, Sunsari and Morang. These districts, especially Saptari was highly affected by flood since the beginning of monsoon, leaving hundreds of families into displacement.

According to District Police Office Sunsari, bodies of six persons have been recovered in the major eastern city Itahari on Saturday morning. Electricity has been cut off in the city while the vehicular movement has been disrupted after the flood entered the main streets.

Though deaths are also reported in other districts like Sindhuli and Banke, the government is yet to confirm the total number of deaths and amount of damages.

Issuing an urgent notice on Friday night, the Flood Forecasting Division of Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has urged people living major rivers to remain alert for the next 24 hours.

The division has been sending early warning flood alert messages in the concerned districts.

Ministry of Home Affairs officials informed Xinhua Saturday that the ministry has already instructed the concerned authorities to intensify rescue efforts in the flood-affected settlements in Terai region.

Meanwhile, the Meteorological Forecasting Division has forecast monsoon would fully remain active across the country for the next few days. The country is expected to receive moderate to heavy rainfall, mostly in eastern and central region, for few days.

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ADEN, Yemen, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) -- A helicopter operated by theSaudi-led coalition crashed on Friday in Yemen's southeasternprovince of Shabwa, causing injuries, a security official toldXinhua.

According to the security official based in Shabwa, the crashingincident of a UAE Black Hawk helicopter took place in the districtof Rudhum at around 4:00 p.m. local time.

The helicopter was participating in the ongoing anti-terrormilitary operations against the Yemen-based al-Qaida branch in theprovince, the source said.

The security source couldn't verify the reasons that caused thecrash, saying that some UAE soldiers were slightly injured in theincident.

However, local media outlets reported that two UAE soldiers diedand some others survived and were transformed to the neighboringprovince of Hadramout.

An eyewitness, Ahmed Khaled, told Xinhua via phone that thechopper hit a hill, and destroyed into small parts which scatteredalong a valley.

Meanwhile, channels and social media accounts affiliated withthe al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claimed responsibilitythat its fighters gunned down a coalition helicopter overShabwa.

The UAE is part of a Saudi-led coalition comprising nine Arabstates to support Yemen's "legitimate" government of President AbdRabbu Mansour Hadi.

The coalition has been bombing on a daily basis theIranian-backed Shiite Houthi group across Yemen since March 26,when President Hadi fled to the Saudi capital Riyadh to takerefuge. Enditem

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