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radio controlled skateboards

Many individuals that are interested in skateboarding are beginning to show an interest in the radio controlled skateboards. They see them as a source as a starter to begin to get involved in the sport. Not everyone that has an interest in skateboarding wants to be extreme in the sport.

There are several things you want to consider when taking a look at the some of the radio controlled skateboards.

The Brand

You will soon learn that like anything else radio controlled skateboards have their fair share of competition when it comes to manufacturers B.J. Hill Jersey , although not to the extent that perhaps the standard boards do. Probably one of the most recognized names for the radio control boards is IMAD. If you want to do some shopping around then IMAD would be the best choice as being the top of the line radio controlled skateboards to compare other manufacturer models to.

The Watts

You want to be able to have a variety of watts to choose from. Perhaps if this is your first radio control board then you will want to start off with something that is basic such as a 150 watt. Once you have determined that this is a sport for you then you can upgrade to higher wattage boards.

The Battery

This is one of the most important aspects when it comes to radio controlled skateboards. Amongst other things its going to be what determines just how far you will be able to go without having to recharge. For example with the basic radio control board you could go around 6 miles, but if you go to one of the higher wattage boards you could go up to 10 miles or more. Battery charging time may or may not be important to you as this will depend on how frequent you are using your board.


Then you need to consider some of the specific features that the radio control skateboards come with. To begin with you will want to do a comparison of the decks. You will find that the EMAD boards use a good ply maple for their boards which gives the best durability.

The Price

What you choose in the above categories determines the cost of the radio controlled skateboards. Naturally the low watts and less powerful batteries are going to result in a less expensive model.

To get the best deals you can shop online at sites such as radio control skateboard
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