BERLIN Cheap Josh Jackson Jersey , July 4 (Xinhua) -- Free trade and global cooperationhave become the consensus among entrepreneurs and scholars in Chinaand Germany, as leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) member states areset to meet in the German city of Hamburg on Friday andSaturday.


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"China, like many other countries in the world, not onlybenefits from globalization but also contributes to it.Globalization provides strong impetus for global economic stabilityand growth," said Chairman of Tsingtao Brewery Group SunMingbo.

"Global cooperation and free trade provide Chinese enterprisesincluding Tsingtao Brewery with more development opportunities,"Sun emphasized, adding that China has created its own global circleof friends and is actively promoting globalization of the economyand trade under the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative.

Gu Xuewu, director of the Center for Global studies atUniversity of Bonn in Germany, spoke highly of the proposition of"fair globalization" by the G20 Hamburg summit, saying it's anupdated version of the "inclusive globalization" touted during theG20 Hangzhou summit last year.

Gu also projected that U.S. President Donald Trump might becomea target for persuasion at different occasions during thesummit.

"The Hamburg summit bears more risk than the Hangzhou summit.The United States made an announcement to support globalization inHangzhou, but now it is about to withdraw," Gu said.


Juergen Friedrich, managing director of Germany Trade &Invest (GTAI), told Xinhua that he expects plenty of discussions tobe had and ideas passed around during the G20 summit.

The G20 is responsible for tackling global economic issues,since it represents two-thirds of the world's population,three-fourths of the world trade volume and four-fifths of theworld's gross domestic product, said Friedrich.

"So if we could achieve certain positions within the frameworkof the G20, it would be of great significance," said Friedrich,adding that the existence of the G20 actually means thatisolationism and protectionism are only ways to a dead end insteadof bringing the world forward.

Friedrich pointed out that anyone attempting to escapeinternational competition may be able to benefit from it in a shortterm, but their innovative ability will be weakened in the longterm, because only the best new ideas and development can onlyflourish in an environment of freedom and openness.

In addition, Friedrich suggested that exchange and cooperationbetween Germany and China is of great importance especially in faceof challenges, since both countries are export nations in favor ofglobalization and free trade.

Dirk Messner, director of the Centre for Advanced Studies onGlobal Cooperation Research, expects strong commitments from mostleaders to strengthen multilateralism during the summit.

The summit in Hamburg should send a clear message of commitmentto implement the Paris climate accord and the 2030 Agenda of theUnited Nations as a follow-up to the G20 Hangzhou Summit last year,said Messner.

He also suggested more commitment to support Africa as part of"inclusive globalization." Enditem

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