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KIEV, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) -- The demand for biometric passports in Ukraine is booming after the introduction of the visa-free mechanism with the European Union (EU), the State Migration Service of Ukraine said on Wednesday.
"Currently Cheap Sven Bender Jersey , between 21,000 and 22,000 biometric passports are issued every day Cheap Sokratis Papastathopoulos Jersey ," spokesman Sergey Gunko was quoted as saying by the state-run news agency Ukrinform.
Since the beginning of 2017, the State Migration Service has issued more than 1.8 million of biometric passports, which enable their holders to enter the EU without a visa for 90 days in any 180-day period.
Overall Cheap Shinji Kagawa Jersey , about 4.5 million of Ukrainians, or 10 percent of the country's population, are now holding biometric passports.
The visa-free mechanism between Ukraine and the EU was launched on June 11.
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WASHINGTON Cheap Sebastian Rode Jersey , Aug. 2 (Xinhua) -- The destructive power released by human-induced and naturally occurring earthquakes in the central United States is actually "indistinguishable," a U.S. study said Wednesday.
The finding, published in the U.S. journal Science Advances Cheap Roman Weidenfeller Jersey , contradicted previous observations suggesting that induced earthquakes exhibit weaker shaking than natural ones.
Earthquakes in the central U.S. have increased over the past 10 years due to the expansion of unconventional oil and gas operations that discard wastewater by injecting it into the ground.
About three million people in Oklahoma and southern Kansas live with an increased risk of experiencing induced earthquakes.
A key question is whether these induced earthquakes excite ground motions that are substantially different than those of naturally occurring earthquakes.
To answer this question, the new study used available instrumental recordings to estimate the stress drop -- the difference between the stress across a fault before and after an earthquake -- of 39 moderate-magnitude induced and natural earthquakes in the central U.S and in eastern North America.
Once the faulting mechanism and the depth of the quakes are accounted for, the stress drops of induced and natural earthquakes in the central U.S. share the same characteristics Cheap Roman Burki Jersey , results showed.
"Our study shows that induced earthquakes and natural earthquakes in the central U.S. are inherently similar, and we can predict the damaging effects of induced earthquakes using the same framework as natural earthquakes," said first author Yihe Huang Cheap Raphael Guerreiro Jersey , an assistant professor at the University of Michigan.
The study also found that naturally occurring earthquakes in the eastern North America may lead to stronger shaking than natural earthquakes in the central United States.
That's because most eastern earthquakes occur on reverse faults, while most central U.S. induced and natural earthquakes occur on strike-slip faults. Reverse-faulting earthquakes typically have stronger shaking than strike-slip earthquakes.
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